SAL 51: back again

It’s that time again.

I ducked out last time, a bit too much other stuff going on but here I am again. I’ve managed to get a bit of stitching done, but it doesn’t look much as I’ve also had to do a fair bit of unpicking!

Here’s where we were before:

And here’s afterwards:

There’s a lot of backstitching to do in that strip of lace. I’d done a load of it, and then decided two strands looked bodgy and ugly, so out it all had to come. I’ll be doing the backstitching with a single strand, and then it will look a lot more like lace and less peculiar. There’ll also be another strip on the other side, a different design.

Do go and see what all the others are up to. There are lots of us now, all over the place and in different time zones, so if they don’t have their posts up when you check them out the first time, do try again later.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaCatherineMary Margaret,
Timothy, Heidi, Connie

SAL 47: A whole lot of what you fancy

… does so much more good than just a little bit!

And what I fancied in this context was a big slice of my decorative blocks at the bottom. Here’s where we were before:

And here’s where we are now:

Sorry the colour’s a bit off; the top image is more correct. Anyway, I’ve slightly changed my plan. There will now be two large blocks in the middle, and two narrower blocks on either side of them. I’ve made a good start on both the large ones, which as you can see are both in the very dark blue. I wanted to see how they’d sit side by side, which is why there are two unfinished sections. The smaller panels either side will be in the mid blue.

As always, the others in the group are working on fabulous projects which you can see by clicking on the links below. We’re in different time zones and post at different times on the same day, but if there’s nothing new there the first time you check, it’ll be well worth your while going back for a second look.

ConstanzeDebbieroseChristina, Kathy, Margaret,
Mary Margaret, Timothy

See you next time, on 25th June.

SAL 42: A line under the alphabet

I got the border under the letters finished!

Here’s where I was last time:


And here’s where I am now 🙂

letters-bottom-borderIt felt good to ‘draw a line’ under the letters, which I found slow going, especially at the end. Now, I can let go and enjoy myself with the borders, blocks and patterns which happen below the line, as it were.

Don’t forget to hop over and inspect progress on all the other SAL projects; links below. We’re all in different time zones, so if there’s nothing up yet, give it a few hours and try again

Catherine, Wendy

See you next time, on 12th March.


SAL 35: Halfway through the alphabet

Yup, I’m half done with the letters.

That’s no indication of how far I’ve got with the whole thing, mind you! Lots of frivolity and exuberance still to come… But amidst work on the trailer, work on the Grey Nomad quilt, work on my Tiny Picks top, and landing a new Gluten Free Bakery customer and cranking out lots of samples, I did manage to get a measly two two whole letters finished :-/

Where we were before.

Alphabet to K

And where we are now.


And as always, the other lovely ladies in the SAL will also have something nice to show you, so do hop over there to take a look. Don’t forget about the difference in time zones; if you’re seeing me first, you may need to drop in to theirs a bit later to give them a chance to get their posts up. Not everyone posts every time, but there’ll still be something worth seeing there.

Avis at
Claire at
Gun at
Carole at
Wendy at
LucyAnn at
Jess at
Sue at
Constanze at
DebbieRose at
Christina at
Susan at
Kathy at

See you next time, on 16 October!

SAL 34: more alphabet

I haven’t made a lot of progress this time, but it’s not too shameful 🙂

Various other projects have taken priority, including one big one that has nothing to do with sewing and everything to do with hard labour, leaving me tired in the evenings, my hands sore and not much inclination to dig out the embroidery.  Still, some progress is better than none at all, eh?


Top row of alphabet


Alphabet to K

Don’t you love that twirly J?  I think it’s my favourite so far!

Time to go and check out all the others’ work. Don’t forget about the difference in time zones; if you’re seeing me first, you may need to drop in to theirs a bit later to give them a chance to get their posts up. Not everyone posts every time, but there’ll still be something worth seeing there.

Avis at
Claire at
Gun at
Carole at
Wendy at
LucyAnn at
Jess at
Sue at
Constanze at
DebbieRose at
Christina at
Susan at
Kathy at

See you next time.

PS: It’s Father’s Day in Australia today, so happy day to all the lovely fathers out there 🙂

SAL 31: the right border begins

You know I said this one was going to be the most complicated border?

I was not wrong. Aaargh! It’s exceptionally fiddly. Despite this, I’ve made quite respectable progress; doing embroidery on the sofa is still more comfortable than sitting at the sewing machine. Sigh…

Last time:

Blue sampler top border done

In my mind, I call that top border ‘Crosses and Bells’.

The new border is called ‘Crowns and Keys’:

Blue sample right border

See what I mean? It’s just a tiny bit fiendish. The design isn’t quite as symmetrical as you expect, there’s a twist in it which led to quite a lot of cursing and unpicking.  But you only do that once…

As always, it’s worth your while visiting the other SAL stitchers, even if they’re not posting progress today. Don’t forget about the difference in time zones; if you’re seeing me first, you may need to drop in to theirs a bit later to give them a chance to get their posts up.

Avis at
Claire at
Gun at
Carole at
Wendy at
LucyAnn at
Jess at
Sue at
Constanze at
DebbieRose at
Christina at – welcome to our new member, we’re growing fast!

SAL 30: Blue sampler top border finished

I’ve had quite a bit of enforced rest recently, so the stitchery has come on a little. Not a whole lot, my back gets tired and sore easily, but enough to make  progress on the top border.

Here’s where we were before:

Blue sampler top border progress

And here’s the progress:

Blue sampler top border done

I have got the whole of the top pattern finished. Next, I’ll be starting the really fiendish pattern that runs down the right hand side. Once I’ve taken that down to the same level as the left hand border, I’ll start filling in the middle with the letters, and then work down row by row.

As always, it’s worth your while visiting the other SAL stitchers, even if they’re not posting progress today. Don’t forget about the difference in time zones; if you’re seeing me first, you may need to drop in to theirs a bit later to give them a chance to get their posts up.

Avis at
Claire at
Gun at
Carole at
Wendy at
Lucy at
Jess at
Sue at
Constanze at
DebbieRose at – welcome to our new member!

SAL 28: Blue sampler progress

Not a huge amount to show this time, as the list of other things I’m working on is considerable, not to mention a catalogue of medical stuff that had to be sorted out.

Here’s where I was last time:

BlueSampler top left corner

And here’s where I am now:

Blue sampler 2

Not too shameful! I’ve managed to double the amount of pretty complicated top border… I’ve decided it might be best to work this one like a jigsaw, putting in all the edges and then filling in the middle. It’s getting easier as I go along. Normally I like to work in quadrants, but given the size of this piece and the potential for disaster if I miscount, I think getting the borders done right is the best way to start.

As always, it’s worth your while visiting the other SAL stitchers, even if they’re not posting progress today. Don’t forget about the difference in time zones; if you’re seeing me first, you may need to drop in to theirs a bit later to give them a chance to get their posts up.

Avis at
Claire at
Gun at
Carole at
Wendy at
Lucy at
Cathy at
Jess at
Sue at
Constanze at