TWRD: the first block

Just before I came down with Covid, I got one almost finished.

Yesterday I felt well enough to crank up my needle and thread and do the small amount of stitching required to finish this block.

Now, I know the background’s rather on the greenish side, but the fabrics were so perfect for my mental image of what I wanted to do, that I’ve ignored my own directive. If it turns out that it’s far too green at the end, I shall make a cushion from it, or something.

So, here we are. This one’s for the bottom row

I couldn’t resist that shark background, or the wavy seaweed fabric.

I have more in the pipeline, but obviously The Rona has put a spanner in the works. Never mind, once I’m tottering about again I’ll start up with the next two.

Wishing everyone excellent health!

31 thoughts on “TWRD: the first block

  1. I am so very glad you are up and tottering, and stitching! This block looks wonderful! The quilt will be amazing! Mine will go into the post tomorrow!

  2. The first block is amazing… but then again which block isn’t ?!?!
    The batiks are sooo good to work with and the shells in the block are awesome 🤩

  3. magpiesue says:

    Wow, awesome block! I have mine all packed up, ready to go. Just need to get someone to take the packet to the post office. 😊

  4. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I love what you’ve created, Kate.

  5. Jule says:

    Beautiful! Hoping you’ll get well soon.

  6. I love this. Such fab visual and actual texture.

  7. tialys says:

    I love those sand dollars. The whole block is wonderful and it would be a shame if you can’t include it in the finished quilt but I’d be surprised if it won’t fit in somewhere. There is always the cushion idea or it would make a fabulous beach bag.

    Fingers crossed your recovery is rapid. x

    • katechiconi says:

      I think I’ll be able to make it work… The sand dollars (aka Suffolk Puffs) look very much like the little creatures that live in our seas, so I couldn’t resist. Recovery has begun, I just wish it was faster…

  8. claire93 says:

    very sea urchiny ^^

  9. Dayphoto says:

    I rather like it. Not to green for me. I felt like I was at the bottom of nice cool lake

  10. I LOVE it! It feels refreshing in so many ways and so much like fiber art. Wow!

  11. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    So sorry to hear you had corona, for some it is a walk in the park, for others it is hell or worse. I hope youll be you old self very soon. The picture you sent from the fabric is absolutely stunning and I dont think it is too green. Take care !

    • katechiconi says:

      It has not been fun, but not quite hell. I’m getting better slowly, and hope to be able to go out soon! I’m glad you like the block, I hope it will work well with all the others that come in.

  12. craftycreeky says:

    Hope you’re feeling better, I love this first block.

  13. nanacathy2 says:

    Love the Dorset buttons and the shell.

  14. That is wonderful and glad you are feeling better enough to create!

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