
Not quite so impressive this time, but still respectable…

Here’s how it looked last time:

And here’s now:

Hmmm… really not that much done. But it’s a shocking month for deadlines, so I’m not being too hard on myself!

I’m one of the first to post my progress, usually, so why don’t you give it a couple of hours and then head over to see what lovely stuff everyone else is working on. This month, we are joined by two new members – welcome to the group, Carmela and Jocelyn 🙂

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Jess, Sue, Constanze,
Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Steph,
Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Catherine,
Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny,
Carmela and Jocelyn

The next SAL is due on 22nd February, but I’m not sure I’ll make it, bearing in mind we take possession of our new home three days before that. You never know, though. Watch this space!


SAL #74: well-watered

Perhaps all the rain we’ve been having has helped…

The flower is blooming well, I’m happy to say. There’s quite a large new area on the left hand side.

Here’s where I was before:

And now, after (different lighting, different time of day):

I’m one of the first to post my progress, usually, so why don’t you give it a couple of hours and then head over to see what lovely stuff everyone else is working on. This month, Mary Margaret has returned to the group and have two new members!

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Jess, Sue, Constanze,
Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Steph,
Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Catherine,
Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee and Jenny

A warm welcome back to Mary Margaret, and welcome in, Renee and Jenny 🙂

SAL #71: a bit of progress, for a change!

Another 3 weeks, and amazingly, I’ve managed to make some fairly decent progress!


And after:

There’s a bit more at the top and another petal on the left. I’ve moved over far enough now that I’ve had to fold the pattern to make space for the new work. And of course, more grey background filled in.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaHeidiJackie, Sunny,
HayleyTony, MeganCatherine, DeborahConnie
and Clare

The next SAL will be on 2nd December. See you then.

SAL 70: another petal

Another 3 weeks not spent stitching very much, sadly.

Bet you’re getting a bit tired of that old refrain. I’ll try to do better next time, I promise 🙂 And now, the results.


And after:

I’ve managed a little more on the petal at far left – it was a good job there was a fair bit of white and grey background to do, so I could just crack on with that instead of having to confetti stitch 5 different colours. It’s my own fault; I have too many other things on right now, all coming due at the same sort of time. If I can just get one or two of them squared away… But isn’t that always the story with hand crafts? Never mind, the usual links are below so you can go and check out all the people who do have some decent progress to show.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones. This week, we’re welcoming Clare, a new member of the SAL.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaHeidiJackie, Sunny,
HayleyTony, MeganCatherine, DeborahConnie
and Clare

The next SAL will be on 11th November. See you then.

SAL 69: nibbling at the edges

It’s Stitch Along time again.

I’ve done a bit more work along the left hand edge, in case you were having trouble seeing where I’ve been 🙂 Not a huge amount, but still, a bit of progress.


And after:

That bit of grey background is version 2: I had to frog a lot because I miscounted. But it had to be done… It’s nice to be moving on past the first quarter, but I’ll need to move everything next time; the chart over a bit, or entirely to the other side, or rolling everything up.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaHeidiJackie, Sunny,
HayleyTony, MeganCatherine, Deborah, and Connie

The next SAL will be on 21st October. See you then.

SAL 68: another petal

It’s that time again – already!

I’ve scarcely touched my tapestry project; I’ve been immersed in quilty projects for the past few weeks, and I surfaced only a few days ago, when Avis’ reminder went out. Eek! Time to start stitching. I think it probably shows in my lack of progress, but I have got another petal stitched in. Bottom left, in case you were wondering where, exactly!


And after:

I’m having trouble getting some of the colours I’ve used. I don’t know why, but it has meant I’ve needed to make substitutions where it doesn’t affect the outcome or overall effect too much. This latest petal is a case in point; that pale greyish lilac is a new colour.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaHeidiJackie, Sunny,
HayleyTony, MeganCatherine, Deborah, and Connie

The next SAL will be on 30th September. See you then.

SAL 67: Now this is progress!

I got loads done this time 🙂

I decided to take the easy way out, and stitch in a load of background. It’s been a very busy few weeks since the last SAL, and mentally I wasn’t feeling up to careful stitch counting and colour checking, but I did want something to do with my hands. Enter two skeins of DMC 7618, and I was away, doing lots of lovely mindless filling in. Suddenly, my quarter done really looks a quarter done!


And after 🙂

As this post goes out while I’m on holiday, I apologise if I miss any last minute changes to the list of participants.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLindaHeidiJackie, Sunny,
HayleyTony, MeganCatherine, Deborah, and Connie

The next SAL will be on 9th September. See you then.

SAL 66: Another petal almost done

Here we are again, time to show stitching progress 🙂

Here’s last time I had any progress to show:

And here’s now. I’ve definitely done a quarter now, apart from the background, which will be just mindlessly filling in with pale grey.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones. Welcome back to Catherine, and welcome in to Deborah 🙂

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLinda, Mary Margaret, Heidi,
Jackie, Sunny, HayleyTony, Megan, Timothy,
Catherine and Deborah

The next SAL will be on 19th August. I’ll be on holiday then, but I’ll try to schedule something in advance – it all depends on how busy I am between now and then. 


SAL 64: lots of white

This time, I’ve scarcely changed the colour on my needle.

There were several areas needing some peaceful infilling with white, so I just got on with those. Bliss not to need too much counting, especially as time seemed to whizz past as the weekend approached. Once I’d got the white done, though, I couldn’t resist getting into the greens as well, so there’s a bit more happening on the left as well.

Here’s the usual before:

And here’s the after:

Much better this time – I actually had to unroll the canvas a bit to get at that top part. And I’m now very, very close to having a quarter of the piece done, not counting filling in the background (which I don’t!). The needle shows where the top of the quarter is, and that bit of green at lower left shows where the bottom is.

Do click on the links below and go and look at what everyone else is working on. If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLinda, Mary Margaret, Heidi,
Jackie, Sunny, HayleyTony, Megan and Timothy

The next SAL will be on 8th July. See you then.

SAL 63: a stitch or two more

Not terribly impressive this time, I fear.

I’ve had other activities gobbling up my time, none of which are interesting enough to blog about except what I’ve already shown. So the stitching, being without urgency or deadline, has fallen by the wayside. Sorry about that…

Here’s last time:

And here’s now:

Can you actually tell where I’ve done some work? I know… it’s hard, isn’t it?

Do go and look at everyone else. I’m sure they’ve managed more than I have! If there’s no post up yet, try again later, as we’re a scattered bunch, all in different time zones.

AvisClaireGunCaroleLucyAnn, JessSue,
CindyHelenStephLinda, Mary Margaret, Heidi,
Jackie, Sunny, HayleyTony, Megan and Timothy

The next SAL will be on 17th June. See you then.