Colours of Happiness #16: completed

I got the binding finished and the label attached last night.

That’s a fair bit quicker than usual, but two things were in my favour: the quilt is not huge, and the Husband was on night shift, so I had the evening to myself to power through. After yesterday’s post went up, I made the binding and had it ready to go. While the Husband was getting his afternoon sleep before starting work, I got it all attached and made the label. So all I had to do was fold over the binding and stitch it down, and finally, attach the label.

There was sun this morning (no big surprise there, no rain in sight yet…) so I hung it on the line for the traditional photos. As always happens when I hang a quilt up to take photos, the wind immediately came up and started whirling the clothes line around, making it rather hard to get a straight, in-focus shot… This is the best of a bad bunch, and even so, there are blurry areas on both of them. Never mind, at least I have a record. (And do you see how dry the grass is, and the bare earth showing through? Please, rain….)

So, a fond farewell to Colours of Happiness. There’s a long list of jobs waiting for my attention, so I’ll do the usual tidy up in the sewing room and then decide what’s next.

You’ll just have to wait and see…

Colours of Happiness #15: all together now

All the panels are joined. Glad that bit’s over!

Now I have just the binding and a label left to do. I’ll need to piece some fabrics for the binding; I have one which is perfect but there isn’t quite enough, so I’ve decided to make a feature of the issue. This fabric will bind 80% of the quilt, but one corner will be different. Sounds odd, but I think it’ll work and look good; for the extra I’ll use fabrics already seen in the quilt, so it should tie together well. I’ll make my usual straight-grain double fold, but using 2¼ inch rather than 2½ inch, which I find a bit too wide; the slimmer edge looks better to me.

Once it’s made and sewn on, I’ll have a couple of evenings of gentle hand stitching to stitch down the binding on the back, and then I can take photos and fold it away carefully till February.

Not so very long to wait…

Colours of Happiness #14: centre quilting completed

OK, that’s the hand quilting finished, loud cheers.

So we have the big centre starburst quilted with radiating diamonds, looking a bit like shattered fragments of glass. It’s a pleasing contrast between the spiky quilting and the soft, puffy, cuddly feel of the quilt.

In the little border cornerstones, there are tiny simplified lotus blooms, referring back to the Dresden plate flowers in the big outer corner-stones. In the 2 inch border around the centre there’s a simple zigzag, also like the outside of the large cornerstones. Works for me… the quilting doesn’t distract from the colour and layout, but it does hold the layers together nicely.

It looks good on the back too, which is always a bonus.

I’ve enjoyed the slow interlude of hand work, but it’s time to speed things up again. So, what’s next? Trim out the sections to get rid of the extra batting and backing, and then it’ll be time to cut the strips I need for joining all the quilted pieces together. Orange 1¾ inch strips for the back, and pink 1 inch strips for the front.

A nice change of pace from sitting at the dining table, hand quilting.

Colours of Happiness #13: on to the centre

In the end, the quilting design for the centre was an easy choice.

As you can hopefully see, I’m keeping it simple and quilting diamonds in all the starburst squares, a bit more ‘sparkle’ for an already eye-catching arrangement of colour. As luck would have it, the design is one where I can quilt long continuous lines rather than stitch each diamond individually, which cuts the time it takes almost in half.

I used the same process on the final long side panel; I wasn’t sure if the fish-scale design would be quicker quilted diagonally or horizontally. Turns out diagonally is faster on this pattern too, and produces a very neat result. Something to remember for another time… And the Peace cornerstone is done too. So the ‘recipe’ for Happiness is finished as well: Family, Love, Prosperity, Peace.

Once the centre’s done, I have to trim out all the pieces and make the joining strips. They’ll be pink on the front and orange on the back, to match the backing colour so they disappear as much as possible. Still not sure about the binding colour, but there’s time enough to decide about that. Any thoughts on the subject, Vera my lovely? What colours do you think would work? I don’t promise to use any of them, but all suggestions are gratefully received 🙂

Almost time to swap quilting colours; I still have my BM&I post to do for the end of the month!

Colours of Happiness #12

Cornerstone No. 3 is done.

This is the Prosperity corner. That just leaves one more long panel and one more corner (Peace), and then I have the centre to think about. The long panel is about 2-3 days of work, the cornerstone 1-2 days. That means I could be ready to start the centre by the beginning of November, bearing in mind I have one or two other things on the go.

Once the centre’s done, it’ll be time to make the joining strips for the 8 seams, and stitch everything together. Then the binding, and it’s finished! I’d like to get it done before I have to start assembling the Go Teal it on the Mountain quilt, which will be demanding in a different way: no hand-quilting but bigger, heavier, and still very much an unknown quantity.

Right, on with the next thing 🙂

Colours of Happiness #11

Another chunk done 🙂

This is long side panel no. 3, and I’m in the groove now: Do the first three rows, rotate the panel and do the second three rows. It’s easier to work close to the bottom edge, because I can dispense with the weights I was originally using to give some tension to the surface. Closer to the edge, you can grip the fabric area you’re working on. By rotating the piece, I’m never more than three rows from the edge. Makes it all a lot quicker.

So, next will be the third cornerstone, followed by the fourth side panel and cornerstone, and we’ll then be onto the last and biggest and potentially trickiest piece, the centre panel. And I still haven’t worked out what to do there… I suspect I shall have to press it and sandwich it, lay it on the table and then just use my eyes and listen to what it’s telling me.

I hope the quilt has a clear idea, because I don’t!

Colours of Happiness #10

Another cornerstone completed.

This is the one for Family. Of course, all the other components are the same as the previous one, but the hand lettering is different. I’ve tried to incorporate the shapes and curves of the Bengali lettering into the English word. I think this one works better than the previous one. Shame the lighting’s so washed out, but that’s what happens when you don’t have good daylight.

I’ll do another long side panel next, before I proceed to the other two cornerstones. They’re beautifully mindless once I’ve done all the marking up, I can just sit and stitch and think about other things – or indeed, nothing at all – as I work.

And some mindless work may be called for. The minor infection I had last week has risen up, gnashed its teeth and turned into a bit of a monster. I now have a very tiring and painful kidney infection which is not responding to treatment nearly as fast as I’d like. I’m on my second round of antibiotics and this second lot is strong and the tablets are huge, like horse pills, over 2cm (almost an inch) long. So, a little non-taxing distraction is called for.

Next time, I’ll show you what I’ve been distracting my miserable and rather grumpy self with

Colours of Happiness #9

I’ve been working away on this behind the scenes.

I now have two long side panels and one corner panel hand quilted. I’m pretty pleased with the fish-scale overall design. The quilting design for the corner panel took me a long time to decide on, but I think it works. The leaf-points in the green strips under each flower also work well. I’ve done minimal quilting on the Dresden Plate flowers, and I’ve hand lettered one of my four ‘corner-stones’ into the orange strips in washable gold paint. It’s not shiny bright gold, more of an ‘old-gold’ look, and the metallic sheen isn’t very obvious, but it’s nice when it catches the light. The cornerstones are Family, Love, Prosperity, Peace, and the lettering shows them in English and Bengali. On the outer edge, it seemed to call for triangles, so that’s what I’ve done, only not the same as in the centre panel.

Two more long sides and three more cornerstones to go, and then I’ll be onto the centre panel. I really haven’t thought much about what to do there, because I think it’ll tell me what it wants when I get there. I hope I can live up to the quilt’s expectations… 😉

Back to assembling quilt sandwiches. Not quite the chore it is for a whole quilt, much easier in smaller sections…

Colours of Happiness 8

Let the quilting begin!

Sorry the pictures have such a yellowish cast: they were taken late at night under artificial light, but you get the idea…

I’ve sandwiched two of the long side panels and marked one of them up for quilting, using the ‘fish scale’ template I made. (You can just see it at the top of the picture above.) It’s 4 inches wide x 4 inches high, which will produce a nice soft quilted effect, puffing up between the stitching without making the quilt stiff. I much prefer light quilting, as I find close quilting tends to stiffen the drape of the quilt, even if it does look amazing.

You could actually quilt this design by machine, using a walking foot. If you click on the image, you can see that the template repeat produces a gently wiggly line running diagonally, something a walking foot is quite capable of negotiating if you sew fairly slowly.

I really love the bright pink thread: it’s the Gütermann hand quilting weight, in colour 2955. It looks brilliant against the orange backing fabric 🙂

It shouldn’t take too long to work each panel. They’re not too large, and the job is broken down into manageable chunks, so I’m confident of getting the sides and corners done by the end of October.

Then I just have to worry about what I’m doing for the centre… 

Scrappy follow-up

I finished it!

This ScrapHappy cushion cover is so cheery and bright, I just had to get it done. Just look at those colours, don’t they make you want to break out in a big grin? Even if these aren’t your colours, it’s like the sun came out.

The quilting sort of decided itself. I was going to do wavy lines, but then I thought, I always do wavy lines. How about cross-hatching? Nah, I do cross hatching when-ever I don’t do wavy lines. So I did half-hatching at 1½ inch intervals, but rotated it through 90° in each quadrant.

I really love how it looks, and I’ll use this again. Oh, and I quilted it in bright green, which really zings against the pink, yellow and orange!

I did my usual central zipper closure concealed by a flap, and bound it with a narrow quilt binding, which is a lovely quick finishing method and gives a crisper finish than turning the seam. It also means that there are no raw edges inside. Plus it gave me an excuse to squeeze a little bit more yellow into the job 😉

There you go then, Vera. Would you like me to send it on ahead, as a sort of deposit for the quilt?