Bee, Myself & I #55, Parterre Blocks 22 & 23

And here we are again.

I was having so much fun that I decided to crack on with a couple more, and having done that, I thought, well, why wait till the end of the month?  So here’s some more eye-candy.

Another pair of brightly coloured flower blocks, more eye-searing, er,  -catching colour, and it seems I’m back in the swing again after those months of absence. Some of these fabrics are making a repeat appearance, some are new. As always, the yoyos are recycled from an earlier quilt project.

7 more blocks to go, and I can start assembling. I have more fabric pairs sorted out, plus a trayful of others, so it should be a relatively simple task to just pick another set, make another block, rinse and repeat. But you know how it is. Stuff gets in the way. Let’s see how I get on.

Bee, Myself and I is a forum for ‘selfish sewing’; any stitchery which is purely for pleasure and not to a deadline or for anyone else. The original concept belongs to Carla of Granny Maud’s Girl. To find out more, you can click through on either her blog link, or using the button a fair way down in the left hand column of this blog.

Till next time.

24 thoughts on “Bee, Myself & I #55, Parterre Blocks 22 & 23

  1. Oh my. The end result is going to be mind-blowing 🙂

  2. Eye ‘searing’ is eye 👁 catching for me 🤩 Just says ‘Bingo’ to my personality ✅

    • katechiconi says:

      What you don’t really get in the photos is the extra textural aspect: the blanket stitch is slightly raised and the hearts of each flower stick out boldly. It’s fun!

  3. nanacathy2 says:

    Brightens up a cold Autumnal November day .

  4. I don’t think much gets in your way. You seem to keep at it in spite of all the stuff that could hold you back. Sewing in circles would certainly slow me down, yet you make it look effortless. I can hardly wait to see them all together.

    • katechiconi says:

      I think any job can be achieved if you break it down into small enough pieces. Just keep plugging away. And as for the circles, even they are achievable if you take them slowly enough!

  5. Bear says:

    I like those… they do almost like eyes at first glance. 🙂 I’m in the middle of NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month) here. It’s a national group that challenges young authors (and us oldies) to write 50 thousands words in 30 days. It’s a hefty challenge, but I do so enjoy it. I’ve already laid out a little of 22 thous. words the first week, so I’m pretty happy with the progress. This morning, I took a wee break and did do some sewing on my Scrappy Skirt so I hope to have something to share next week. In the meantime, my mind is stewing with plotlines even as my fingers dip and pull threads.

  6. tialys says:

    This is going to be such a big burst of colour – where is its eventual home going to be? You probably told us but I can’t remember although I’m pretty sure you won’t be giving it away.

    • katechiconi says:

      Oh, I’m definitely keeping this one for myself. It’s another labour of love like the Hatbox quilt. I have no fixed idea about where it’s going to live, but it’s not leaving this house!

  7. Going Batty in Wales says:

    I love those bright colours. Somehow, try as I might (occasionally) I can’t really do subtle. And I also love the way you are using blanket stitch as an extra design element – the photos may not show it very well but I can ‘see’ that it will add texture very nicely.

    • katechiconi says:

      I love blanket stitch! It has the added benefit of acting like outline stitching for the design, and I like the way it emphasises the shapes, as well as adding the texture.

  8. Emmely says:

    I often get more motivated again when I see a finish line getting nearer! I am really curious to see all the blocks together!

  9. craftycreeky says:

    This is going to be such a cheerful quilt 🙂

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