Rolling Thunder part 2

Oh, my aching back…

Well, the trailer is nekkid, heheh! Bare metal… The paint was hideously long-winded and tedious to remove. Three separate coats of the gunk were required; the first took off the black and purple layer… mostly. The second took off the decent quality gold paint under that (why they had to cover that up is beyond me), and the final dose took off the grey undercoat. After that, it was a good few hours of wire brushing edges and hinges by hand, and doing the flat surfaces with a wire brush attachment on the hammer drill. Picture me with ear mufflers and an expression of gritty determination, two-handed death-grip on the drill, which is trying to skitter away at every slight movement…

Stripped to metal

Looks a lot better even bare like this than it did in its previous paint job. You can’t quite see yourself in the metal surface, but it’s smooth, and it’s shiny. It’s taken 7 hours of my time and 2 of the Husband’s to get it looking like this, but I definitely think it’s worth it.

Now we can start thinking about the primer. Can’t wait too long to start that, we have rain forecast and bare metal just waiting for any excuse to rust in damp air, and I don’t want the existing rusty patches to spread. We’ll have to pick our moments, as it’s not a job you can do inside. In fact, as the Husband’s going to be on day shift for another 2 days, I can see myself making a start tomorrow – or even today if the wind drops enough. I’m waiting for an email back from the primer manufacturer; the packaging doesn’t say how much it covers, and I shall be deeply peeved if we get everything except the last 50cm done when we could have bought another can and finished the job.

Still to do: finish sanding back the draw bar, wash down with methylated spirits, prime, make the template for the sides, mask the sides, do the charcoal coat, do the red coat, do the silver swoosh, refurbish and replace all the hardware (handles, latches, bolts, screws, number plate, etc), get new tyres fitted on the wheels, spray the wheel hubs. I’d like to get matching name decals for Miss Scarlett and the trailer, but the Husband is in two minds about that.

Once everything’s dry and cured, I have to repack all the camping equipment. And then all we have to do is hook up the trailer and we’re hot to trot.

But I reckon there might be another post or two in that To Do list…

33 thoughts on “Rolling Thunder part 2

  1. anne54 says:

    Looking beautifully bare! And I hope the ouches from your back are just normal ouches, and not ones that indicate that you have overdone it……;)

    • katechiconi says:

      No, they’re the ouches that result from sitting on a stool and bending forward to scrape away, or hold a heavy and independent-minded power tool to its job! It would be wonderful if the 25-30km/h winds would drop so I could start the primer spraying, but I have an enforced break due to the weather, which is going to last till Monday at least 😦

  2. Clare says:

    Now, that’s my kind of project! There is something so satisfying about paint stripping. The work is hard and messy but I love seeing the results so quickly. Can’t wait to see how this ends up!

    • katechiconi says:

      It’s easier on bare metal because you don’t need any finesse with the scraper to avoid damaging the surface :-). Now all I’m concerned about is getting the primer on in a timely fashion.

  3. EllaDee says:

    You’re amazing! What a job.

  4. knettycraft says:

    Haha … Kate goes graffiti! Amazing. Be careful with your back!!!

  5. Very impressive indeed, I really don’t think I could ever have tackled that myself. Stripping down door frames and skirting boards is like child’s play in comparison 🙂

  6. katechiconi says:

    I’m hoping for a nice effect, a trailer to match the motorbike and look as if they belong together. Very frustrating not to be able to make progress for a few days!

  7. tialys says:

    Well done you! That looks like a lot of hard work you’ve done there. Name decals? Is there anywhere to hang fluffy dice? 😉

  8. judybushey43 says:

    Great job! I admire your determination. It will be beautiful when it’s finished.

  9. dayphoto says:

    OH! It looks just wonderful! I love the look of bare metal, but, of course it can’t stay that way. I’m looking forward to your next installment…primer…color..Red?


  10. This kinda nekkid is WAY better than saucy-cowgirl nekkid. That was pretty dire! Looking good, hope you get the dry weather 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      I think so too. She was, in theory, fighting a dragon, but it looked more like a Lego monster. And it was the Silver Surfer on the other side, and Evil Eyes on the lid of the back section. Jes’ turrible… Rain forecast for another 5 days 😦

  11. That is a beautiful bare box indeed. You do good work and I know how hard it is. It’s interesting how hard we push ourselves to complete any creative project. I would be pleased with myself had I taken this on too.:)

  12. Magpie Sue says:

    Wow, it looks so much better nekkid! Too bad you can’t just leave it that way – but I bet your paint job and embellishments will be more attractive in the end. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates.

  13. Debbierose says:

    I hope you used a face mask too, might have been lead based paint. Hope you have recovered from all those good vibrations

    • katechiconi says:

      Thankfully not, the trailer isn’t old enough for that; lead paint use was banned in the 1960s :-). Now, I’m just waiting for the weather to improve so I can sand back the rust bloom that’ll have developed in the last few days, wash it down with metho and start undercoating.

  14. Lynda says:

    I don’t envy you this task, but think of the fun you’ll be having when it’s done!

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