… And another one

I’ve cranked another one out! Last one, I promise…

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 8.33.26 am Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 8.33.49 am Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 8.34.19 amAuntie Marion’s daughter, who wins ribbons for her tatting at the big Melbourne show, saw what I made the other night, and offered a trade. She’d teach me to tat if I made her one for herself. Considering how expert she is, it was an offer too good to resist. So I gave her free rein with my blue fabrics and she chose a nice formal floral print in polished cotton. Four of us are meeting for coffee this morning, and I wanted to get it ready in time for that.

It’s the same design as before, varying only slightly in size; I’ve used batting scraps, and it’s a great way to chew those up in a constructive way, but you have to work with what you have. Also, this fabric would be difficult to feature in any quilts I have planned in the near future, so I’m happy it’s getting used.

Now all I have to do is work out when I can have a lesson or two!

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31 thoughts on “… And another one

  1. Beautiful fabric! I’m glad you found a use for it, too–it’s much to pretty to sit in your stash. I tried tatting “back in the day” which means decades ago, without much success, but let me know how the lessons go. I ended up with many, many knots!

    • katechiconi says:

      I’m going to give it a good try, but my efforts to teach myself were hopeless. Cass says her method is not ‘traditional’, so maybe I’ll have more success. Assuming my chemo lame-brain can absorb this new skill, and my arthritic hands can cope with it, that is!

  2. EllaDee says:

    A very pretty combo of fabrics. I’m pleased you included the pic with the ball of yarn… I was wondering what the bobbly thing (technical term!) was. How clever!

    • katechiconi says:

      I was trying to think of a way of stopping the yarn spool running away, which is always a problem with the thin cotton stuff used for fine crochet and tatting. Once I’d got the idea that it needed to be substantial, and with an empty bobbin in my hand, the whole thing just clicked. A buttonhole to hold the spool holder in place was the final piece in the puzzle, and is especially useful because you can lie it down to close up the kit.

  3. Another grand creation – lovely!

  4. My Mum (who did every craft ever invented) was a tatter, and several of the ladies who came to my Tuesday group did tatting as well. My late Dutch friend Willi tried to teach Jock – who is so good with his hands – but he couldn’t get the hang of it, and I’ve never tried. Hm. a challenge for me?

    • katechiconi says:

      It’s funny, tatting (known as frivolité there) is very popular in the Netherlands – my eldest sister is a bit of a demon – or was until arthritis got the better of her. She also used to make bobbin lace, which I’d really love to learn, but I don’t think my eyes are up to that any more! I reckon if I can pick it up, you can! I’ll keep you posted.

  5. I have a few fabrics like that – too beautiful not to buy but tricky to use in quilts. Glad you found a use for it. Enjoy your frivolité lessons!

    • katechiconi says:

      I actually acquired it as part of a fabric swap with Esther of ipatchandquilt – she had some florals going and wanted some reds and greens suitable for doing a poinsettia block. It’s lovely, but I very quickly realised that it was either too big or too small for every application I auditioned it for.

  6. tialys says:

    Well, the Dutch have a much prettier name for it. I look forward to viewing your efforts in the fullness of time.

  7. Nanette says:

    i used to tatt when my children were little……how did I manage that, I wonder now, perhaps they were neglected 🙂 The little dresses I made my daughter all had tatted features, collar or pocket trims usually. I don’t think I’d have the patience now. Pretty little toolkit.

  8. katechiconi says:

    Lucky daughter, the most I got was a bit of smocking! I have the patience, but I think the dexterity may be lacking…

  9. Kirsten says:

    Very envious of the tatting lessons . . .

  10. thesnowwoman says:

    Lovely, I have to put my mom onto your blog she is a quilter.

  11. this is beautiful !!

  12. rutigt says:

    Thatś a good trade. Don´t know who is gonna be most pleased with the trading though 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      I think we’re both thrilled. She’s made it so much easier for me to understand how the process works. I think I might actually be able to do this!

      • cas arthur says:

        No worries Kate, glad it made sense for you! I get to show off the pretty tool kit to some tatty friends this Weds too. =)
        Keep it up! You can do it!!! No pressure. =)
        Cas =)

  13. sounds like a good trade to me 🙂

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