Bee, Myself & I #59: Parterre block 29

I promised you another one this month…

Before I completely ran out of steam after the Ovarian Cancer quilt, I got this block done.

One more, and I’d have enough for my standard 5 x 6 block lap quilt layout. Only thing is, I find myself wanting something bigger… something queen bed-sized. I’m not sure that’s a good idea, given that Mouse has taken very firm possession of our bed for daytime snoozing and any bed covering needs to be protected from a) black hair and b) his nails. I expect I’ll end up making something lap sized after all…

Bee, Myself and I is a forum for ‘selfish sewing’; any stitchery which is purely for pleasure and not to a deadline or for anyone else. The original concept belongs to Carla of Granny Maud’s Girl. To find out more, you can click through on either her blog link, or using the button a fair way down in the left hand column of this blog.

I expect I’ll have decided what I’m doing by next time!

25 thoughts on “Bee, Myself & I #59: Parterre block 29

  1. Caroline says:

    Queen size bed quilt sounds fantastic.

  2. jmcheney says:

    I look forward to seeing where you go with this when you’ve rested your hand a bit. I especially love the palampore fabric leaf & its colors on my my left.

  3. What ever you decide, it’s going to be a lovely indulgence – so you have 29 of these? Wow…It will be amazing however many you put together! Will there be bees anywhere on it?

  4. nanacathy2 says:

    I’d stick to the small size, it’s too nice to be Moused.

  5. tialys says:

    I know what you mean about the animal hair and claws – I have four sets to contend with but, in the end, I have sacrificed some quilted and woolly items to the herd otherwise they’d never see the light of day. I don’t have a chewer so the damage has been minimal so far. 🐕🐩😸🙀

    • katechiconi says:

      The black hair is quite fine and silky. Really it’s the tremendously long and strong nails that would do the worst damage, especially to hand quilting. So hard to decide what to do…

  6. Going Batty in Wales says:

    The sacrifices we make for our dogs!

    • katechiconi says:

      I know…. I so badly want to have this quilt on the bed, but if I do, it will spend most of its time covered in a dingy, ratty dog blanket to protect it!

  7. craftycreeky says:

    Ooh decisions…I think I’d think about making enough to be 6×7 to start with the thought that I could add borders to make it bigger still…or if I was on a roll I could continue to queen size, that way it wouldn’t be quite so daunting 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      6×7 would mean another 12 blocks after I hit the 30 mark. At the current rate, it’s another year’s worth! I’d have to buck up a fair bit, I think.

  8. Beautiful… it needs to go where you’ll enjoy it most.

  9. Those colours are gorgeous 🤩
    A queen size quilt also sounds amazing but you definitely cannot displace your boy 🐾🐾🐾🐾🥰

  10. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    Your latest blocks look awesome !!!! And yes, dogs love sleeping on your bed, I know, luckily the 2 I have now are to small to jump on our bed.

  11. Wow I love the fabrics you used in the block!

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