Reno #5: befores and afters

We spent almost the whole day at the new house yesterday.

It’s coming along. The changes are no longer very dramatic, since the demolition is pretty much finished in the kitchen, but things are definitely still happening. Small details are changing: there are finishes and trims, and Bill is getting on with the task of constructing my mega-pantry wall, using two recycled cupboards from the old kitchen and some shelving. The wall he’s building it on features two light switches, a power point and a doorway adjacent to it, so there’s some tailoring to do in order to ensure the switches can be reached, and to curve the shelves beside the doorway so there are no sharp points sticking out.

This was the start of the plan. Two of the cupboards from the previous kitchen, one large stacked on top of one small and almost the same width, in the centre of the wall. Shelves to go either side. It’s a dead wall, facing the kitchen, and the side of a through-way into my sewing room. Shelves and cupboards were the obvious solution to make the most of the space.

Here’s where we are now. The bottom cupboard is on a shallow plinth so the doors clear the floor. The shelves due to go in on the left will taper/curve from full depth to lose about a third of their depth in the far left corner, for safety and to give clear access through the door next to them.

That big shelf at lower right is going to hold my stand mixer, food processor, etc, to save me having to bend down to haul them out from under the bench-top, and there’s a power point in there too, so I can have a light there as well, if I want it.

There was also a little more of my favourite job, wallpaper stripping. Remember the nasty stuff that appeared in the kitchen when we took the top cupboards down? It wasn’t just nasty in appearance…

That’s better. Still a little more to go, but I didn’t feel up to stepladder work by the end of the day, so it’ll have to wait.

And finally, I got the first coat of tung oil onto the breakfast bar/benchtop on the left side of the kitchen. It’s butcher block acacia, and I love the variations of colour – it’s actually a bit greyer-brown than it looks in this photo. Second coat today. We’re having the same timber for the L-shaped section of benchtop on the right, and the joiner who’s making it for us came over to measure for the mason’s mitre corner, where to put the join around the sink, etc. We’ll also be having open shelves in the same timber above, no top cupboards, to make the room feel larger.

Outside, it’s also looking better. The Husband has cut the grass and I’ve done some weeding. Today, we’re hoping to take over a trailer load of furniture, clearing the guest room and installing everything in the new guest room. We can’t do a whole lot of that while there’s still sawdust and plaster dust everywhere, but it’ll be nice to have one room ready.

And now, it’s time to up and at ’em once again.


39 thoughts on “Reno #5: befores and afters

  1. Good morning my friend… all looking very very nice 🙂 Don’t overdo it please… take care of back and feet … I know it’s super exciting when things come together & I’m loving the journey ♥️
    Our plans today …. just eaten a huge breakfast… then off to explore Robe … pics will be up for u later xxxx

  2. Kerry Davidson says:

    Love your benchtop, it’s going to look amazing with it all done

  3. Dayphoto says:

    I LOVE your new look. And just so you know, my kitchen is butcher block! and I adore it!

  4. tialys says:

    Love the wooden worktop/breakfast bar. We have wooden work surfaces and I was considering a change but, you’re right, wood does look warmer and somehow friendlier. Ours have been in place for about 12 years now so they really need a sanding down and an oil bath. I’ll put it on the list.
    Take care of that back!

  5. kathyreeves says:

    This is looking great Kate, do take care of your back though! And once the guest room is moved, you will have a place to take a little nap at noon time!!!

  6. You seem to be moving at an impressive clip, Kate. I love watching this project unfold.

  7. Clever recycling. I love the benchtop.

  8. It is interesting and fun to see all the changes and how you are planning your work spaces. Love the butcher block. Making things easier for yourself later is always good planning. Enjoy your day sewing with friends.

    • katechiconi says:

      The day started peacefully enough, but has ended with heaving furniture onto a trailer and back off it at the other end. We thought it would be cooler at 10pm. We were wrong…

      • I’m so sorry. I do all my heavy work early in the morning. Nights here are hotter than mornings too. It will be done soon.

      • katechiconi says:

        The morning was out because the trailer was wet from overnight rain, plus my DfG sewing group. It was still 84°F at 10pm… We’re taking the big rental trailer back today, and will see how far we get with our own smaller trailer. I reckon it should do the job, it’ll just take more trips 😉

      • At 84, I would not be moving. I would do better with minus 4. 😉 You’ll get there. I remember now about your sewing group. Head smack here. 😉

      • katechiconi says:

        No, seriously, you don’t need to remember *my* social activities! It’s just stupidly, unseasonally hot considering it’s what would be autumn/ fall in any normal climate. We took over a bunch of stuff today, and got the guest room ready for a visitor arriving in early April, passing through on his OzLap (grand tour around Australia, a trip of many months). Shame the rest of the house still needs a fair bit of attention; I need to light a fire under Bill as of next week.

  9. nanacathy2 says:

    You are a human dynamo, and the kitchen is going to be great.

  10. anne54 says:

    No question about the ‘human dynamo’ title, Kate!.Add in John and you two are definitely a “Power Couple”! I love the wood look too. It will be great to work on, and it sounds like you have the cupboards well thought out.

  11. KerryCan says:

    It really is happening, isn’t it?! I’m enjoying seeing the steps in the process and I think you’ll like having this chronicle of the changes, to remind you of how far you’ve come!

    • katechiconi says:

      It really is. The benchtops should be cut to size on Monday and delivered on Tuesday, at which point it’ll start to look like a proper kitchen and we can get the appliances in.

  12. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    That wooden top is awesome !!

  13. Lindashee says:

    This is going to look beautiful ! I’m not brave enough to redo kitchen, our current one is fine but it’s far from optimal.

  14. Nanette says:

    It’s great seeing it all unfold.

    • katechiconi says:

      I think next week will see a huge difference; once the benchtop goes in on the right, all the appliances can go in and it will start to be a working kitchen. That should make some great before and after pics!

  15. rutigt says:

    Great work!!! Love that acacia block, so beautiful!

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