ScrapHappy March

Welcome once again to ScrapHappy Day!

It’s the day my friend Gun in Sweden and I host ScrapHappy, a day for showing something made from scraps.

Not huge progress to show you this month, on account of all the stripping, filling, sanding, painting, grovelling and climbing ladders that life has held recently. However, I did get a bit more stitching together done on the memory quilt from the scraps generated by Days for Girls. Even though it’s mindless work for the evenings, there were days when I was too tired even for that.


And after:

The ‘diamond’ on the far right is waiting to be sewn in, which will probably happen tomorrow at my regular Saturday DfG session, as well, I hope, as a bit more progress.

ScrapHappy is open to anyone using up scraps of anything – no new materials. It can be a quilt block, pincushion, bag or hat, socks or a sculpture. Anything made of genuine scraps is eligible. If your scrap collection is out of control and you’d like to turn them into something beautiful or useful instead of leaving them to collect dust in the cupboard, why not join us on the 15th of each month? Either email me at the address on my Contact Me page, or leave a comment below. You can also contact Gun via her blog to join. We welcome new members. You don’t have to worry about making a long term commitment or even join in every month, just let either of us know a day or so in advance if you’re new and you’ll have something to show, so we can add your link. Regular contributors will receive an email reminder three days before the event.

Here are the links for everyone who joins ScrapHappy from time to time (they may not post every time, but their blogs are still worth looking at). We have a new member this month, do go and take a look at what Bekki has for us.

Kate (me!)Gun, TittiHeléneEvaSue, Nanette, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, Debbierose, Tracy, Jill, Claire, JanKaren,
Moira, SandraLindaChrisNancy, Alys, Kerry, Claire, Jean, Johanna,
Joanne, Jon, HayleyDawn, Gwen, Connie and Bekki

See you again, same time next month!

27 thoughts on “ScrapHappy March

  1. magpiesue says:

    I’m not surprised there were evenings you were too tired to stitch a few scraps together! I managed to scrap together a post in spite of my current handicap. 😉

  2. […] you enjoy scrap projects, visit Kate’s Tall Tales from Chiconia blog around the 15th of each month.  I’ll also be linking with Oh Scrap! when the time comes. Till […]

  3. Your work ethic is impressive. To even try to work on this with everything else going on is incredible. I’m with magpiesue. I’ve still not scrapped a post together. There are at least 2 in pieces but nothing to show for my efforts yet. I’m getting lazy. ;(

    • katechiconi says:

      Not lazy. You just have different priorities at present. The whole thing about ScrapHappy is to make stuff joyfully out of bits and pieces. If you don’t have time, or don’t want to, or don’t have the right bits, it’s no big deal.

  4. nanacathy2 says:

    I love your hexies, and it is rather a relief to know Wonder Kate gets too tired occasionally. Look after yourself up all those ladders.

    • katechiconi says:

      There were a couple of days back there where I was Zombie Kate, but I’m trying to be more moderate now. Less of a deadline now that the carpets are in…

  5. tialys says:

    Again, I’m amazed you had time to do anything at all this month other than finish ITATA and let loose with your tool box. Your hexies always look cheerful.

    • katechiconi says:

      With the TV on in the evening, my hands seem to reach automatically for something to do. I was at the house all day today, not a stitch done, so occasionally I do give myself some time off the sewing!

  6. Despite having started cutting out some base pieces for some more ‘frankenfabric’ and buying some variegated thread to do the top stitching, I haven’t managed much scrappy stuff this month – too much else going on, like you. Instead I’ve been doing some crochet which requires no brain power!
    Your work, as always, is looking amazing… always a joy to see.

    • katechiconi says:

      It’ll be a long time until it becomes something useful; that piece is only 36 inches wide. But that’s what you get when you only work on it when you’re tired or watching TV!

  7. rutigt says:

    I´m impressed you have time and energy to sit down and sew anything right now 🙂

  8. […] Pop across to Kate’s blog to see all the other Happy Scrappers. […]

  9. KerryCan says:

    I haven’t been nearly as busy as you have been but I still feel too tired, some nights, to pick up even basic hand sewing. The hexies are like sweet little gems . . . .

  10. You must have so much patience. I am going to have to see what I will work on with my scraps. Boy do I have scraps.

  11. claire93 says:

    must have made a nice change to sit down and do some needlework after all the physical labour of late!

  12. I’ll join the choir…I can’t believe you’ve had the energy at the end of your long construction days. I do understand the soothing process of hand work though. Nicely done.

  13. Joanne S says:

    I think March Madness is an app name. Amazed at all of the work you’ve accomplished so far!

  14. Nanette says:

    I’m like you, I like to have an easy handwork project on the go,to work on in the evenings, even if my days have been busy. Your hexies are terrific, and I guess there’ll have been more scraps for you after the Saturday sew-along. I finally managed to gather my thoughts enough to do a scrap post, even if a bit late!

    • katechiconi says:

      I’ll never keep up with all the scraps DfG generates, but I’m hoping to get a few of the other ladies interested and maybe making their own. I have two who’ve caught the hexie-making bug, but so far they’re avoiding the joining-together bit!

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