Grey Nomad Quilt: all together now

Yup, I’ve got it fully assembled.

grey-nomad-still-needs-bindingIt’s taken a while, what with all the other pots I have on the boil, but my biggest and bestest scrappy project is in the home stretch. I’m scratching my head a bit about what to start for my next ScrapHappy project; I hope I’m sure something will come to me before the 15th of this month!

I’ve spent a while auditioning various colours for the binding, but there’s no real question about what’s needed. It’s going to be be scrappy, of course! I’ve had a lovely rootle in all my scrap boxes for assorted lengths of 2½ inch strips I can join together.  I love binding, so I’m looking forward to this next stage 🙂

I’m confident I’ll be able to show the finished quilt for my ScrapHappy post…. 🙂

50 thoughts on “Grey Nomad Quilt: all together now

  1. knettycraft says:

    It turns out wonderful Kate!

  2. knitnkwilt says:

    The multi colored (multi fabric?) sashing is so perfect for this quilt. And the binding will be too.

    • katechiconi says:

      Yes, it’s multiple fabrics, fished out of my scrap storage and left over from the Bookcase Quilt. It really pops against the grey, doesn’t it? I tried solids, but it was impossible to choose one colour over another, and this works much better.

  3. tialys says:

    A scrappy binding will finish this off perfectly. I bet even this made but a little dent in your scrap pile though didn’t it?

  4. claire93 says:

    this is so bright & cheerful Kate! I love the bright scrappy sashing and look forward to seeing this bound.

  5. my scraps overfloweth… I should give them away or use them. LOTS of fabric in that drawer.

  6. Debbierose says:

    Perfect use for your scraps, so bright and cheery

    • katechiconi says:

      It’s been a great scrap buster. One of these days I have to go through all my boxes and throw out all the stupidly small scraps… but not yet!

      • Debbierose says:

        Nah! Save them for a confetti quilt or cushion stuffing

      • katechiconi says:

        There are some very small pieces of fabric I’ve had for years and treasure, and those will be hard to say goodbye to. Perhaps a confetti quilt, multicoloured tiny scraps overlaid with tulle and quilted through… I should probably separate the tiny bits from the usable stuff.

  7. dayphoto says:

    Very well done! I always enjoy seeing what your are creating!


    • katechiconi says:

      This one has taken a while because all the blocks were made one by one for ScrapHappy. I’m glad it’s nearly done, I have other projects shouting at me for attention! One more stage, and then it’ll be ready.

  8. I love the contrast between the plain grey and the scrappy exuberance!

  9. anne54 says:

    The grey is just perfect! Well done, and good to get it done before you head off on your adventure.

  10. nettyg says:

    Really nice! I thought about putting grey sashing on the baby quilt I’m working on, but that would’ve meant a trip to the not-so-LQS, and I was keen to make it from my stash, so blue it was! But the grey is perfect with your brights.

    • katechiconi says:

      It works, doesn’t it? There are so many brights, the eye has to rest somewhere. Another couple of hours on the machine and an evening of hand stitching will see it done.

  11. kathyreeves says:

    I love this quilt. The gray just makes it brighter, and it is HAPPY! Will it go with you on your trip?
    By the time you get back, I hope to be ready to start my Stay+ block for you. 🙂

  12. magpiesue says:

    Fabulous! And a scrappy binding is the *perfect* way to finish off this project.

  13. What a smashing idea for the sashing!

  14. This quilt absolutely gleams. Maybe it’s the gray border, maybe the colors juxtaposed next to each other, but it reminds me of a stained glass window — quilt style!

    • katechiconi says:

      Oh, wouldn’t a stained glass window like this be amazing! I looked at both black and navy as alternatives to the grey, but they were both too heavy and stark in contrast. The grey is deep enough to contrast well, but not so strong it distracts from the colour. And you know, the photos just don’t do the colour justice. I had it on the line yesterday to photograph outside, and it glows!

  15. I have pinned this straight to my Pinterest board for square scraps (the ones I am slowly, slowly collecting). Love it!

  16. rutigt says:

    Of course you´d have scrap strings for your binding!!!! This will be the icing of the cake…..I mean quilt 🙂 The quilt is great and now I´m waiting for the next scrap project!

  17. It’s quite stunning and has my mind reeling. I checked out the method you used and it looks do-able. You make to prettiest quilts.

    • katechiconi says:

      Marlene, that’s so kind! The postage stamp method is indeed very straightforward, I found it peaceful and meditative to do, and I was so happy to be able to use all the pretty scraps.

  18. Lynda says:

    This is wonderful, Kate, and I love how the narrow borders pull the color of the blocks further into the quilt without making it too fussy.

    • katechiconi says:

      It’s finished now, and I’ve made the binding scrappy too, which continues the story. I’ll be posting it on 15th. Glad it’s done; I’m ready to start a new ScrapHappy project 🙂

  19. dezertsuz says:

    I love the finish of this one.

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