TWRD: Fourth batch of blocks

Today was fun. Not just one, but two sets of blocks arrived.

The first was from Debbierose, who’s made three appliquéd lovelies; a jellyfish, a whale and a sea-turtle:

And the second batch, which arrived later in the day, from Amo:

I must say, that tropical fish one is amazing! She’s found perfect fabrics to create the underwater reef scene. The other one works perfectly with all the other more abstract fish blocks that have already arrived.

We’re looking good. Just two more sets to go and I can start finalising the layout.

Let’s wait and see what the postie brings.

TWRD: Third batch of blocks

… And the next lot!

These beauties are from Jean. Aren’t they gorgeous? I think the whale one is probably my favourite, because I dearly love a postage stamp block, and the whale is clearly enjoying his plunge through the waters. The sailboat is such fun too, I love how Jean has embellished it with stitches. And the vortex is perfect to balance one we already have. This quilt is turning out to be such fun!

I know there are several more blocks on the way; if you’re participating and haven’t started yet, please may I urge you to try to complete your blocks soon? I will have a lot of work to do once they are all here, so the sooner, the better.

Thank you, Jean, for your lovely work and for joining us once more.

Till the next time.

TWRD: Second batch of blocks

The postman will be groaning.

Every year at about this time, I get batches of squishy parcels, and every year, the poor postie has to try and either cram them into our not very big mailbox or get off his bike, walk down the drive and plonk them on the table outside the front door. Either way, I’m sure it’s a bore for him.

But not for me! Today, I have blocks from Gun and Sue.


Don’t you love that school of tiny fish darting about in the bubbly water? And those waving weeds are perfect.


Sue makes the most wonderful ship blocks, to the point I requested them specially, and she has not let me down. Three magnificent schooners, and a set of bonus mini-blocks I can use to create a cushion cover to go with the quilt. Just wonderful.

Still quite a few to come, so the fun isn’t over yet!


TWRD: the blocks start arriving

We’ve just had the first three sets:

From Kjerstin:

From Robin

From Vera

Aren’t they amazing? I especially love Robin’s meticulously appliquéd sea turtles and dolphins!

I think this is going to be the most amazing quilt, given the variety and imagination I’ve seen in the blocks so far. If I get more than I need it may be a challenge to finalise the layout.

More are on the way, so there’ll be some more eye candy soon.



TWRD: second block

And now for some more deep water action!

Some bright tropical fish for the deeps of the sea. I really like this block, but I probably wouldn’t make another, as it was very fiddly, especially with post-Covid brain…

I have a Storm at Sea block waiting to be made, but that’s for another day. I’ve been notified that there are other blocks on the way, so I’m very much looking forward to seeing those 😊

I think this quilt is going to be quite spectacular!

TWRD: the first block

Just before I came down with Covid, I got one almost finished.

Yesterday I felt well enough to crank up my needle and thread and do the small amount of stitching required to finish this block.

Now, I know the background’s rather on the greenish side, but the fabrics were so perfect for my mental image of what I wanted to do, that I’ve ignored my own directive. If it turns out that it’s far too green at the end, I shall make a cushion from it, or something.

So, here we are. This one’s for the bottom row

I couldn’t resist that shark background, or the wavy seaweed fabric.

I have more in the pipeline, but obviously The Rona has put a spanner in the works. Never mind, once I’m tottering about again I’ll start up with the next two.

Wishing everyone excellent health!

Ovarian Cancer quilt: and we’re off!

The brief goes out today.

See below for the list of participants. These include names that either offered from last time or have joined from last month’s call to action. If you want to join us, or think you should be there too, by prior request or previous participation, let me know asap! Conversely, if you are on this list, but can no longer participate please let me know asap. Block allocation starts soon.

Me (Talltalesfromchiconia)
Kjerstin Mackie (Quimper Hitty)
Margaret Creek (The Crafty Creek)
Jean Swenson (Love Hugs)
Sue Brown (From A Magpie’s Nest)
Robin Murphy
Gun Adrian (Rutigt)
Vera Daniel (Life by a Compass not a Clock)
Amo House (View from our Hill)
Debbierose Horoba (Sew Rosey)
Tierney Davis Hogan (tierneycreates)

The quilt is called Teal Waters Run Deep, henceforth TWRD. No prizes for guessing there’s a water theme! As always, it’ll be a 30 block quilt, 5 across and 6 down.  This year, there’s a bit more organisation involved, and parts of it will be done on a first come, first served basis.  If you’re participating, please start pulling your darker teals.

Let’s work together to do some good. 

Ovarian Cancer Quilt: a call to action

It’s the end of April, so it must be time once again for another Ovarian Cancer quilt to fire up.

As usual, I’m sending out my call to action for all the quilters out there. Every year, we collaborate on the creation of a fundraising quilt in aid of Ovarian Cancer. In case you’re new round here, I come up with a name and a concept, and am joined in the making of blocks to fit into this design by those who’ve been with us from the start, have joined along the way or who are contributing for the first time. The Ovarian Cancer colours are teal and cream, and the blocks fit the theme but can be in your choice of construction, design and fabric.

Last year’s quilt, ‘This Teal’s on Fire’

Below is a list of those who have confirmed they’re contributing, or who have already expressed interest but not confirmed their participation yet. If you’re interested in joining, leave me a comment or email me if you already have my email address, and I will send you the brief and timeline. If you’ve previously said yes but can’t now do it, also please let me know. We need 30 blocks, and I will make up any shortfall myself. Even if you can only make one or two, your help is greatly appreciated.

Your contribution will be acknowledged on the quilt label. I develop the design, quilt everything and assemble the quilt. All you have to do is send me one or more 12½ inch (unfinished) quilt block(s) in the mail, using the colours and themes specified in the brief I will send out. I hope you will feel able to join us.

Participants – so far  (black = confirmed, red = provisional, tbc)

Kate Chiconi:   Co-ordination, design, quilting, assembly
Kjerstin Mackie (Quimper Hitty)
Cathy Foot (Nana Cathy)
Margaret Creek (The Crafty Creek)
Jean Swenson (Love Hugs)
Lynn Hutton (Tialys)
Sue Brown (From a Magpie’s Nest)
Robin Murphy
Gun Adrian (Rutigt)
Vera Daniel (Life by a Compass not a Clock)
Amo House (View from our Hill)
Debbierose Horoba (Sew Rosey)

Let’s make something beautiful and do some good together.