Who wants to play?

I think it may be that time again.

Many of you will remember F²F, Foot²Freestyle. For those who are new to Chiconia since we finished the last round of F²F, it’s a block swap for 9 or more people, which runs for as many months as we have members. Each month you make three blocks and send them out, receiving in turn three blocks from everyone else when it’s your month. Clearly, some people who’ve played before are pining for its return, as I’ve had several enquiries about when we’re going to start it up again.

It has run twice already now, the second time concluding a year ago. After the first round, I created a second blog just for F²F, as a place to hold all the images of the blocks in a gallery, as a record and as a source of information about colours and how the block swap works. If you click on the link above, it’ll take you there. There’s also a load of info about F²F from the first round on this blog, and a gallery page showing all the amazing blocks members produced.

Well… I’m very happy to get it going again, but I need enough people who’ll commit to seeing it through. You can see that the whole thing will fall apart if someone says yes, and then pulls out partway. Everyone else will end up short of blocks. So, for friends old and new, if you’d like to join the party, leave me a comment. If we get enough takers, I’ll start it up again. It’s fun, you get loads of lovely squishy surprises in the mail, and at the end, enough blocks to make a beautiful quilt (or porch curtain!) in a colour scheme of your choice. So go on, take a look at the information and decide if you’d like to play along too. It doesn’t matter about your skill level, the blocks can be as complex or as simple as you’d like. If you express interest, and we have enough members, I’ll need your email and mailing addresses to provide to other members, and will supply more detail on exactly how it works, timings and specifications, etc.

Join us. You’ll be welcome!

31 thoughts on “Who wants to play?

  1. craftycreeky says:

    I’d love to but I think at the moment I’ve too many family issues hovering to be able to commit…another year 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      We’d have love to have you, but I totally understand about other commitments! I’m sure there WILL be another year, it’s the block swap that keeps on giving!

  2. claire93 says:

    What wonderful news! I have both hands in the air, and am calling “Me, me, me!!!” Count me in please Kate.

  3. nettyg says:

    Yes, me too, I’ll play again this year. Thanks for cranking the party up again Kate 🙂

  4. Moira says:

    I’m probably nuts with all that I’ve got going on this year…..but I’m in………….lol

  5. magpiesue says:

    I see you’ve got me on the list already. 🙂 Not that I need another quilt or project, but it’s just so much fun!

    • katechiconi says:

      We don’t ‘need’ the blocks, but we do NEED the fun, don’t you think? I’d like to start this when I a) get back from our trip and b) finish the ST&D quilt. Mid April or so, I’d say. So hopefully that’ll give people time to schedule it in…

  6. tialys says:

    I count six of us already then 🙂 🙂

  7. tialys says:

    I don’t think so – some people do only patchwork all the time so, for them, a drop in the ocean. I like to learn or re-invigorate skills while I’m doing F2F – you are all my guinea pigs mwahahaha.

    • katechiconi says:

      After nearly two years of making three blocks a month and trying to keep them all different, I certainly found my skills honed, particularly in paper piecing. What used to make me nervous holds no fear now… And I’ll be your guinea pig any time – you have gorgeous fabrics!

  8. Robin Murphy says:

    I would love to join in too please Kate

  9. rutigt says:

    I´m not sure yet, just let me think about it for some days………….!

  10. kathyreeves says:

    Kate, I’m almost ready to say yes, but I have a question or two. Do you have a standard block size? Any idea when we would start?

  11. […] the new session of the F2F block swap started (details here), I decided to make a scrappy block every month in the colours each participant had chosen – […]

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