Staying cool with Lime & Soda

In case you were wondering, this is not a recipe post…

Mackay is in the tropics. Our climate is hot, ranging from pleasantly sunny to raging, stinging heat with the force of a hammer. Our old wooden house requires no heating and air conditioning is a must. In the winter, the sun is the only way of taking the edge off any mild chill inside a house designed to stay cool. To this end, the house was designed with a sun porch running along the north side of the house, following the track of the winter sun from east to west. It gets sun all day long. Our living room has 4 continuous french windows which open onto this sun porch, but they’re never open, despite the fact that it would increase the space, warm the room on cooler days and increase air circulation. This is because the sun porch gets too darn hot; the aircon compressor lives in there, and the louvre windows have no fly screens so they stay closed, and the screen door onto the porch lets in the hot air.

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this?

The porch roof slopes down so the curtain needs to be higher on one side than the other. I shall fill the gaps with sashing fabric.

Curtains. If I screen off the area of the porch where the compressor lives with a heavy curtain, keep the louvres closed and the bamboo blinds down, and have another curtain for the screen door, I can open the french windows and air condition the sun porch too on hot days and allow warm air into the main room on cooler days. And the Lime & Soda bit? That’s the clever name my friend Carla came up with, back when I was going to make a quilt from these blocks, which were made as part of the first FootSquare Freestyle (F²F) block swap.

Sashing fabric for between the curtain blocks. The flowers are about 2 inches across

NYB tablecloth, which I will edge with the sashing fabric, and three cushion fronts

Instead, I shall make a heavy curtain from 28 of the F²F blocks, and for the table and chairs in the porch a tablecloth and cushions from the four gorgeous New York Beauty blocks made by Avis and the final  three blocks.

The screen door curtain will probably come out of the numerous black, white, grey and lime green scraps I was hoarding with these blocks.

That leaves just one problem. How to stop the barking geckos leaving their pellets of poo all over everything.

Up to now, they’ve had it all their own way in there, and that’s going to stop.

Still, the little poops are black and white, so at least they’ll blend in with the colour scheme.

Ah, life in the tropics…

43 thoughts on “Staying cool with Lime & Soda

  1. dayphoto says:

    Your house sounds lovely. Really it does. Right now It’s a lovely day here…strange for Colorado in January. I have all the windows open airing out the house…it’s 50* F which is 10c for you. This will be the peak for the day then it will cool down rapidly to 18* or lower (-7.77c) tonight.

  2. craftycreeky says:

    So glad the geckos co-ordinate their poops with the decor 🙂 Your houses are designed to keep cool in the summe and ours are designed to keep warm in the winter!

  3. kathyreeves says:

    I love hearing about the differences in climate all over the world, it is really quite fascinating! I love your patchwork curtain plans, and those blocks are all pretty amazing!

  4. That is going to be a very fancy curtain – colour-coordinated gecko poop or no. Will you back it with something with a bit of UV resistance to protect it from the worst of the sun?
    Did I come up with the name? Sheesh. I am cleverer than I thought.

    • katechiconi says:

      I’m going to use a triple-pass blackout backing for (I hope) maximum protection at the back, but sun will still filter through from the side a bit, through the bamboo blinds. That can’t be helped. I could have used something generic, but I love these blocks, and they look cool and fresh in the porch. Plus I have plenty of bed quilts just now, and there’s just the right number for what I want.
      You did indeed come up with the name, and it’s perfect 🙂

  5. What a great way to use squares that you love. I understand how curtains can help manage the temperatures. Those are going to make you enjoy the space even more. Keep cool. As best you can anyway. 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      It’ll help to open up a space we currently can’t use at all for about 80% of the year, and which is rather pleasant when the temperature in there is moderate.

  6. I’ve never heard of barking geckos. We get lots of the little critters but they never make a peep, so I thought perhaps your use of the word “barking” was a euphemism for swear words. Google time. I am knocked out and rolling around on the floor with laughter. So are the cats. And is that puffy heart-shaped thing the tail????

    • katechiconi says:

      Yup. You can see why they’re also called Thick Tailed Geckos. Mind you, they’re not the only ones, we also have regular geckos, which make a metallic ‘Tink Tink’ noise, and they’re like chameleons in that they can change colour according to their background. On the whole, we don’t mind them much, they take care of most other insects in the house 🙂

  7. Those blocks are FABULOUS!!! You will have the coolest curtains in town :)❤️❤️

  8. tialys says:

    What a great way to use those blocks Kate – I was only thinking about your colour scheme for that F2F session the other day as I was idly wondering about my colour scheme if and when we should embark upon another 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      Funny, that. I was thinking much the same when I was sorting the F2F blocks out, wondering what I’d go for next time! I like this curtain idea because it means I can look at all those blocks every day!

  9. I am a great fan of curtains for stopping the loss and gain of heat. A friend of mine hated them and had none in her house and I could never understand her thinking… or her heating bills! Your curtain, however, is going to be really special aesthetically as well as practically, and a great way to show off those F2F blocks.

  10. claire93 says:

    looking forward to seeing these blocks come together ^^

  11. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    I love the lime ! It looks like fresh new leafs and your window will look fab !

  12. mlmcspadden says:

    Love the blocks and what you’ll be using them for!

  13. nanacathy2 says:

    Just all so different from here. Thanks for the description I shall to try imagine you on the sun porch with the lovely curtain. I am going to forget the pooh bit.

  14. nettyg says:

    It’s good to see your lime blocks all together and be reminded of F2F. I like insulating curtains about the place, I have a big heavy door curtain I bought in Tibet, and it’s just perfect across the hallway to keep things cool or warm. Hope you’ll show us some pics when the curtain is up?

  15. Your sun porch is a lovely space. I’m so glad you’ve come up with a cunning plan to make it user friendly. All those green shades will look wonderful.
    I have managed to deter our geckos with a few squirts of clove oil in the vents where they access the house.

    • katechiconi says:

      I wish we could keep them out a little more, but they seem to be able to get in just about anywhere. But as they do a good job with the flies and spiders, I’ll put up with them. The porch is going to be much nicer with a bit of shade and not so much heat. I may even find myself sewing out there!

  16. It sounds like a lot of moving parts, Kate, but if anyone is up for the task, it’s you. I hope you’ll post the finished projects in the room.

  17. katechiconi says:

    That’s the plan! I have most of the big curtain assembled, but need to work out the top bit, where the roof slopes. Shouldn’t be too difficult, a bit of arithmetic and a calculator will get me there.

  18. rutigt says:

    Some big plans there 🙂 I envy you for having the heat, especially now when we are having a cold winter!! Great blocks and a great name!

  19. What a great idea to use this quilt top as a curtain. Can’t wait to see what it will look like in the room.
    Thank you for mentioning the gekko’s… I used them as an example during my class today! (The kids will need to find gorgeous photo’s of small animals)

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