ScrapHappy November

Hello again, it’s time be happy with your scraps.

It’s the day my friend Gun in Sweden and I host ScrapHappy, a day for showing something made from scraps.

I’m rather happy this month, because I’ve managed to put together another 3 blocks – not much visible change in the sheer quantity of scraps in my ‘collection’, but at least the older ones are slowly getting used up, while I generate some more!

ScrapHappy is open to anyone using up scraps of anything – no new materials.

It can be a quilt block, pincushion, bag or hat, sculpture or a pair of socks. Anything made of scraps is eligible. If your scrap collection is out of control and you’d like to turn them all into something beautiful instead of leaving them to collect dust in the cupboard, why not pull them out, make something pretty and join us on the 15th of each month?

Either email me at the address on my Contact Me page, or leave a comment below. You can also contact Gun via her blog to join. We welcome new members. You don’t have to worry about making a long term commitment or even join in every month, just let either of us know a day or so in advance if you’re new and you’ll have something to show, so we can add your link. Regular contributors will receive an email reminder three days before the event.

Here are the links for everyone who joins ScrapHappy from time to time (they may not post every time, but their blogs are still worth looking at). The list of names and blog addresses was getting rather long, so Gun and I have decided to just give the names, which link to the blogs. Just the same, only shorter!

Kate (me!)Gun, TittiHeléneEvaSue, Nanette, Lynn, NormaLynda,
Birthe, Turid, Cathy, Debbierose, Tracy, Jill, Claire, JanKaren,
Moira, SandraLindaChris, and we have a new member joining us this
month. Welcome, Nancy!

See you again, same time next month!

40 thoughts on “ScrapHappy November

  1. kathyreeves says:

    I am stuck between the blue and lavender, two of my favorite colors. These just ooze happiness to me.

  2. Lynda says:

    I too love the lavender and blue blocks. These reminded me of a favorite song I remember Burl Ives singing when I was a child. “Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly.” It still makes me happy to hear his voice. Thank you for the memory through your blocks this month, Kate! I do hope you don’t mind me sharing the Youtube recording with you here.

    • katechiconi says:

      We had an album of Burl Ives songs when I was a child, so it was familiar to me too! I suspect I’m more familiar with the songs of your childhood than many other English children…

  3. nanacathy2 says:

    Burl Ives was a favourite with my Mum, and the song is familiar to me too. I think these blocks are tremendous, such a good use of scraps. My favourite is the third one too.

  4. Nothing from me, I’m afraid. Maybe on the other side of Christmas….;)

    • katechiconi says:

      We’ll look forward to seeing something then… I enjoy making these blocks because there’s no pattern, no accuracy needed, and the fun of just doing what looks pretty. I must get all the other blocks out and see how big it is so far!

  5. I haven’t done anything scrappy again this month… it’s all rather more ‘stashy’ and of course Sophie has been taking up almost all my creative energy in the past week or two! I love your blocks – all of them.

  6. rutigt says:

    Thanks for making the new list!!!!! Made it all so much easier 🙂 Love your blocks, especially the purple one!!

    • katechiconi says:

      Everyone loves that one! I have my 16 finished blocks lying on the floor, and I’m thinking it may be enough – I’ll use a border around each square which will increase the size. But now I have to make the long multicolour strips that go round the outside!

  7. tialys says:

    This has only just come up on my browser – I was getting a blank page all morning – and now it doesn’t look like your usual layout. Nobody else has mentioned it though so maybe it’s only my end. All the blocks look great though, even so.

    • katechiconi says:

      I haven’t changed anything on the blog… The post has been up for over 12 hours and I’ve had some responses since it came up, so maybe it is at your end.

      • tialys says:

        Ooh, you’re suddenly back to normal. That’s good ‘cos the other layout was horrible – I couldn’t understand what had got into you to change it to something dark blue and murky with the text all over the place.

      • katechiconi says:

        No, I have to say, that doesn’t sound like me at all! Glad all is well again…

  8. nettyg says:

    All your blocks are pretty, love the soft colours. I’m about to post mine, although not a ‘make’ yet, a preparation to make. I faffed about so long trying to decide what I would do I ran out of day 🙂

  9. claire93 says:

    three more lovely blocks – you must be running out of scraps by now lol

  10. Nancy says:

    Your blocks are beautiful. I look forward to seeing how you will use them. I’d like to participate this month. (I just learned about ScrapHappy today!) My post is at Thanks.

    • katechiconi says:

      I think we can squeeze you in under the wire 🙂 Would you like to participate again? If so, I’ll add you to the list. The blocks are fated to become a lap quilt with scrappy sashing, and I have yet to decide where it will go!

      • Nancy says:

        Thank you for squeezing me in. I appreciate it. I believe I will participate again. Most everything I make is from scraps. Yours will be a beautiful quilt. I’ll keep an eye out for the finish. Thanks again.

      • katechiconi says:

        I’ve added you to the list of names that appears every month. If you’d like to send me an email address, I can add you to the group email reminder for ScrapHappy, which usually goes out on 12th of the month?

  11. magpiesue says:

    Oh, I want to see all the blocks laid out together! I can easily believe you’ve barely made a dent in the scrap bins; I know what it takes to even get close to empty. I like the new format for the list of participants too.

    • katechiconi says:

      I’ll post one later. I’ve decided I’ve made enough blocks for this particular quilt, and have devised a layout and a sashing idea to increase the size a little. More on that later. Of course, there are many more quilts in my scrap boxes, poorly disguised as bits and pieces, but I know they’re there, and I’ll be dragging them kicking and screaming into pretty coherence 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      PS: Gun and I held onto the original participant format as long as we did because it also gave the blog name. There are lots of people with the same name, and doing it that way meant you could see if it was a new blog or one you were already following. But it just got too long… this is *much* easier to cut and paste in!

  12. I love the blue and lavender.The browns are nice but good in a quiet way. I will look forward to seeing the next step. You do such great work with “scraps”. 🙂

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