Rolling Thunder part 3

Finally, the weather gave us a window of opportunity.

trailer-undercoatedWith the Husband off work for a few days, we scrambled into our work clothes and got cracking whenever the wind dropped enough to ensure the paint hit the trailer instead of blowing away. No more big red gloves this time, thank heavens, they’re incredibly hot and your hands end up in a puddle inside them. No, this time, it was the thin Nitrile gloves that doctors use, to protect us from rusty sanding dust, methylated spirits and finally, primer. And goggles and breathing masks, before you ask! OK, the hands still ended up in a puddle, but at least I could feel what I was doing and scratch my nose without poking myself in the eye!

undercoat-with-sky-to-matchSo, Rolling Thunder now has a couple of handsome coats of grey primer, and is safe from the salty seaside air of Mackay. The next step is the first coat of several in the red we’ve had mixed to match Miss Scarlett. After that, I need to make the template and mask for the curved line that features on the side. I have the stretchy masking tape that will curve, so that’s OK, but scaling up the curve I want from the drawing we’re working from could be, um, interesting. However, the skies are once again threatening, so I may have to do some work under cover in the garage for the next stage.

4½ weeks till we go on our motorbike camping trip to Townsville and Atherton. If we can keep up this momentum, all will be well 🙂

Cue pencils, scissors, butcher’s paper and masking tape… 

26 thoughts on “Rolling Thunder part 3

  1. tialys says:

    Good job so far – it looks very ‘neat’. Any luck persuading The Lord of Chiconia about the name decal?

  2. This will turn out great.

    • katechiconi says:

      I think it will! The Husband is back at work tomorrow, and I have the clan round for a curry dinner, so I don’t think it’ll get any more love before Monday or so. Can’t wait!

  3. I want a pic of the two of you in your work outfits, please.

  4. kathyreeves says:

    I’m thinking the worst is over…bet you can’t wait to see some red! A victory dance video is necessary, I think, in those “interesting” work outfits! 😉

  5. dayphoto says:

    Your set of skills stun me. You are amazingly gifted.


  6. is this for your motorcycle ??????!!!

  7. anne54 says:

    If anyone can keep the momentum going it is you!! Rolling Thunder will be a sight to behold, as will the video of that victory dance that we are all hanging out for 🙂

    • katechiconi says:

      No pressure, then! Perhaps I can do the dance of the spray cans, complete with paint spattered clothes, goggles, blue gloves and a breathing mask. On second thoughts…. no.

  8. EllaDee says:

    So exciting that you are off on a trip… all that patience and recovery time is the pay-off 🍾

    • katechiconi says:

      Having a trailer means we can camp in some style, with a large tent, full size bed stretcher, and somewhere to lock up the trailer under cover while we’re gadding about the countryside. For longer trips, long term, we’ll be installing a battery for lights and brackets in the lid to hold a solar panel for recharging. Maybe by the time we come down to Wooli for the national rally next year…

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