ScrapHappy June

Welcome once again to ScrapHappy Day!

It’s the day my friend Gun in Sweden and I host ScrapHappy, a day for showing something made from scraps.

This is what I’ve been working on for the past few ScrapHappy updates. Fiddly work, but finally, ’tis done, and now that we have slightly cooler weather, I’m glad to have it for early morning dog walks. Not that the weather’s what you’d call cold, exactly, but it’s a bit fresh for just shirtsleeves.

I’m so pleased with how this turned out. It’s heavy and a little stiff, but so cheerful and so lovely to have all those fun scraps to look at, instead of throwing them out. They’re much too pretty. It’s like the Mini-Me of the original patchwork coat, which is far too warm for here in north Queensland. Most of the pieces are exactly as they were trimmed off the original coat panels, and there are just a few tiny bits that had to be slipped in between to give full coverage.

ScrapHappy is open to anyone using up scraps of anything – no new materials. It can be a quilt block, pincushion, bag or hat, socks or a sculpture. Anything made of genuine scraps is eligible (including food). If your scrap collection is out of control and you’d like to turn them into something beautiful or useful instead of leaving them to collect dust in the cupboard, why not join us on the 15th of each month? Either email me at the address on my Contact Me page, or leave a comment below. You can also contact Gun via her blog to join. We welcome new members. You don’t have to worry about making a long term commitment or even join in every month, just let either of us know a day or so in advance if you’re new and you’ll have something to show, so we can add your link. Regular contributors will receive an email reminder three days before the event.

Here are the links for everyone who joins ScrapHappy from time to time (they may not post every time, but their blogs are still worth looking at). Fellow ScrapHappy posters, please update your lists to match the one below. This month, we are welcoming Maggie, a new member, so do drop in to her blog and say hello.

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Tracy, Jan
Moira, SandraChrisAlys,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue LVera, 
 Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti,
NóilinViv, Karrin, Amo, Alissa,
Lynn, Tierney, Hannah and Maggie

40 thoughts on “ScrapHappy June

  1. claire93 says:

    oh my!!!!! Absolutely fabulous and you’ve even got a hoodie to keep your ears warm! Sorry to say, I haven’t played with any scraps for this update.

  2. What a fun and cheery sleeveless coat, perfect for cooler almost winter weather!

    • katechiconi says:

      Especially early in the morning, before the sun gets warm, it’s nice to be cosy. Higgins will be wearing his own warm coat, so we’ll be a colourful couple!

  3. szil949 says:

    Your jacket vest is gorgeous!! I love it! Hugs,

  4. MagpieSue says:

    Oh, this turned out wonderfully! Definitely worth the effort. Congratulations on having the best vest on the dog walk. 😁

  5. mlmcspadden says:

    I love how this turned out!

  6. […] over to Kate’s blog to see what other inspiring scrappers have been up […]

  7. Oohhhh this is so gorgeous 💝

  8. Going Batty in Wales says:

    It looks gorgeous! and very useful.

  9. Wow! there will be no missing you in the early morning light. Looks brilliant, warm, cozy and practical. Very impressed with how you fitted in zipper pockets – good for doggy treats.

  10. I like the contrast of the plain hood… makes the rest pop!

  11. Amo says:

    That’s glorious! Love it.

  12. nanacathy2 says:

    I am in coat envy. It’s gorgeous.

  13. OMG, you have created a fashion statement with scraps! I love it!

    • katechiconi says:

      It was amazing how the trimmed pieces just fit together, with very little adjustment. I admit it was extremely fiddly to stitch on all that bias binding, but worth it for the nice stained glass effect!

  14. Love the bright and abundant colors!

  15. It turned out perfect and I too, love the hoodie on it. That’s about as much as I need year round to keep me warm. It’s so fun to look at.

  16. So wonderful! You will have fun wearing it 🙂
    (it is the “mini-me” of your gorgeous patchwork coat!)

  17. jatshaw says:

    What a fun vest! Nice work.

    • katechiconi says:

      Thank you! I wore it yesterday morning to an early coffee date with friends and their doggos and it was perfect, especially as I was sitting in the shade!

  18. Kate, this is fantastic!

  19. rutigt says:

    Love your vest and the hoodie is great. So many beautiful fabrics, absolutely stunning!

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