TWRD: Second batch of blocks

The postman will be groaning.

Every year at about this time, I get batches of squishy parcels, and every year, the poor postie has to try and either cram them into our not very big mailbox or get off his bike, walk down the drive and plonk them on the table outside the front door. Either way, I’m sure it’s a bore for him.

But not for me! Today, I have blocks from Gun and Sue.


Don’t you love that school of tiny fish darting about in the bubbly water? And those waving weeds are perfect.


Sue makes the most wonderful ship blocks, to the point I requested them specially, and she has not let me down. Three magnificent schooners, and a set of bonus mini-blocks I can use to create a cushion cover to go with the quilt. Just wonderful.

Still quite a few to come, so the fun isn’t over yet!


32 thoughts on “TWRD: Second batch of blocks

  1. szil949 says:

    I love all the blocks but I do like the ones that look like they’re underwater! Hugs,

  2. you are going to have great fun arranging them all, it is going to be very special.

  3. Oh those are wonderful! I am working on finishing up mine this weekend so I can send them off across the pond 🙂

  4. tialys says:

    More lovelies for you to play with.

  5. Caroline says:

    haha … maybe time to get a bigger mailbox !!

  6. I love this time of year, too. It’s fun to see and hear about each design.

  7. jatshaw says:

    Fun blocks! I can’t wait to see how you use them.

  8. rutigt says:

    Looked at all the blocks and they are looking great!

  9. Dayphoto says:

    This is going to be so much fun!!! I love everything about it

  10. I love this theme. The designs and colours are wonderful.

  11. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    They are all absolutely beautiful !

  12. Love the movement in the weedy one. Thank you for sharing all these. 💜

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