I’m slipping…

I’ve always prided myself on being fairly UFO-less.

ScrapHappy selectionUntil now, that is. I have too many balls in the air, and I’m finding it distracting and not conducive to finishing things. Something about my brain prefers sequential rather than parallel activity! Let’s review:

Positive signScrapHappy quilt: I’m actually making good progress on this one.
Stay+: blocks all made, waiting for me to buy backing and start QAYG.
F2F1 lime/grey/black quilt: blocks all in, waiting for me to buy backing and start QAYG.
Hatbox quilt: 4 or 5 blocks made, loads to go…
Emmely 3Cosmatesque: stalled; I’m feeling resistant to the hand stitching, but it needs to be moved along.
Steampunk: as for Cosmatesque. Too many tiny pieces… I need to get cracking again.

Unlike many people, I don’t have a pile of finished quilt tops in the cupboard waiting to be Hatbox 5quilted. Having got that far, I’ve always taken it all the way to the end, and actually, I love binding quilts, so nothing gets stalled at the final hurdle either. But I really do need to find a way to re-ignite my ‘finishing fire’ and square some of these jobs away.

I’ll be starting with ScrapHappy, it’s quick and easy up to the point where I start quilting, and I believe I’ll keep it quick and easy after that point too!  Lots of straightforward walking foot quilting. Look out for a progress report on 15th of September, ScrapHappy Day.

Stay+ needs me to do a little backing shopping. Good job a local craft shop has everything 50% off just now… After that, it’s a question of more straightforward walking foot quilting.

F2F1 quilt (any suggestion for names for this one, by the way?): Ah, here’s where it gets more complicated. I’m determined I’m going to get comfortable with FMQ on this quilt. So it could take a while…

And that’s enough for a few months.